Phone (562) 596-0464
Phone (562) 596-0464
American Crematory Equipment Company is considered the premier manufacturing, service and repair company in North America and beyond. We have been "Manufacturing with Pride" since our incorporation in 1974. We manufacture, service and repair with the highest standards and integrity in the industry. It is our "Manufacturing with Pride" commitment that we at American Crematory Equipment can bring you, our customers the latest in Technology with our state-of-the-art Operating Platforms and our innovative design and engineering insure you receive the most dependable, reliable, environmentally conscience, cost effective and longest lasting equipment with the best warranty on the market today.
Who are we:
Cañada College is offering an online Funeral Service Education Program to ensure accessible education to current and aspiring Practitioners statewide. Historically, our practitioners have had to pay high out-of-state fees, relocate or commute great distances to receive education- it is time to change that reality and bring the education straight to the Californian student.
Please Note: This program is pursuing accreditation but is NOT accredited by the American Board of Funeral Service Education (ABFSE). If you would like more information about the accreditation process, please contact us or access the ABFSE Accreditation and Policy Manual by clicking HERE.
Using comprehensive death data, Funeral Convergence provides accurate market share and statistical reports on licensed funeral establishments, along with licensed crematory and cemeteries in California.
These reports allow for statistical comparison of burials and cremation, by county, by licensed funeral establishment. This data may be used to understand market share among firms, population movement, and changing consumer trends.
We are able to provide this data in various formats and date ranges. Please contact our staff with your requirements for pricing. (831)221-0075 info@funeralconvergence.com or go to our website at www.funeralconvergence.com
Taycor Financial has been a partner to the small & medium-sized business community for nearly three decades. We understand that your business is an extension of you. Our mission is to help you gain access to the very best lending products to grow your business.
We endeavor to deliver exceptional experiences through clear communication & matching you to the right product. As a full spectrum lender, we have the right solution to help you get the job done! Contact us today at 800-322-9738 or apply online at www.taycor.com to get pre-qualified.
Looking for a way to start the conversation? The Death Deck can help!
The Death Deck contains 112 cards with a mix of multiple-choice and open-ended questions guaranteed to spark lively discussions around the topic of death. Play with partners to try to predict each other’s answers, or all together in a group. No matter how you play, you’ll learn some new things about your friends, your family, and likely yourself.
The Death Decks’ newest product, The E•O•L (end-of-life) Deck, is specifically designed for people in their final chapter of life, including those with life-limiting diagnosis, hospice/palliative care patients, and people of advanced age. The questions are more specifically related to end-of-life preferences (rather than a wide range of death-related topics) and legacy building.
You can learn more at thedeathdeck.com or contact us at hi@thedeathdeck.com.
Gabby Jimenez is a hospice nurse, an end-of-life doula, a conscious dying educator, and an author. All of her work is geared toward educating the terminal patient and those who love, support, and care for them. Gabby offers classes both in-person and over zoom for hospice staff, caregivers and volunteers, end-of-life doulas, elderly communities, and anyone else who works in the end-of-life field.
You can visit her website for her blogs, classes, podcasts, and other offerings at: www.thehospiceheart.net
You can reach her via email at: thehospiceheart@gmail.com
You can also visit her FB page, which is a beautiful community that offers a safe place to talk about death, dying, and grief: https://www.facebook.com/thehospiceheart.net
Stay tuned.